Understanding there are Challenges in Life

Understanding there are challenges in life and meeting them head on!

In March 2021, Carter Bonas… a 10-year-old young man, started the Spectrum Golf clothing line.

“My goal was to empower myself and others to see that you don’t have to hide your differences that you may have,” Carter stated.

​His mother Dr. Thelma Tennie stated, “Watching me as an entrepreneur sparked the same drive in him. He asked me if he could open his own business when he was 8-years-old. I told him sure he could, when he grew up.”  “He then asked, why he had to wait until he was an adult to start a business. “I’m ready now” he said.  I told him he was right! He did not have to wait.” He could start a business now, he just needed to decide what he wanted to do and develop a business plan. After many ideas that were not feasible, Carter is now the proud owner of Spectrum Golf, a company dedicated to providing quality golf apparel and inspiring others to embrace their differences and work hard to achieve their dreams.

Carter chose the name Spectrum Golf to empower himself and others to see that they don’t have to hide from their diagnoses. Like him, they too can choose to learn how to control their own emotions, life, and narrative.

Bill “The GolfFather” Cuebas of BiGGs Golf Talk giving a testimonial about Spectrum Golf after meeting with Carter.

On Carter’s website (CartersSpectrumGolf.com) he states.

Why the name Spectrum Golf? you may ask.

I was diagnosed with autism before I was one years old.

My entire life I’ve been told I’m high on the spectrum. “High Functioning”
Even though I am on the high functioning side of the autism spectrum, that did not stop other kids from bulling and teasing me or calling me mean names.

After many years of being teased in elementary school because I was “special” my mom and my therapist helped me learn how to control my emotions and behavior.

And I’m still working hard at it, every day.

Yes, I am special; yes, I am different; yes, I am weird, and that’s OK.
I’m unique and different and that’s OK.
​I learned to embrace my differences.

– Carter

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